The Instagram Aesthetic of a brand’s account is the first thing potential customers will notice as they review their brand’s profile.
To leave a first good impression with any of your followers and possible clients is important to get this right.

There are several things that count in the Instagram aesthetic, such things include the colors, the layout, tone, and the overall feeling that your Instagram page adds to the aesthetic which will allow you to either gain some new followers and might even send them running.
You will want to make sure that your Instagram aesthetic must be unique and cohesive.
Ensuring these traits make sure that your Instagram aesthetic is not only visually pleasing but can also improve your brand recognition and your business success.
This process will also portray your brand’s audacity and character. Furthermore, it will also allow your followers to instantly recognize your content as soon as it appears on their feed.
Whereas all of this stuff sounds great and easy, in theory, it is not easy to make a successful Instagram aesthetic.
With that being said, we are going to give you the main points on how to create a unique Instagram Aesthetic!
Why Is An Instagram Aesthetic Important?
Simply put, your Instagram aesthetic is one of the best ways in which you can get more followers and ensure the growth of your account.
Seeing that the growth of businesses has become heavily dependent on social media, it is imperative to create your Instagram aesthetic now more than ever!
Instagram is seeing growth as many users and business owners are turning to Instagram for a better deal.
This phenomenon marks your Instagram profile just as important as your website.
Moreover, the Instagram feed of your account is the first thing a customer is going to see as soon as they land in your profile.
Having said that, it is essential that you know how to make them leave with a good impression of your brand.
As soon as a visitor lands on your profile and they know what exactly to do and what they can expect from you to deliver, they are more likely to follow you.
In conclusion, the Instagram aesthetic is one of the main ways to ensure the growth of your business without cheating the Instagram algorithm.
8 Tips On How To Make Your Instagram Aesthetically Pleasing
We can break the whole process into several steps.
By the time you are through this process, you will have been able to establish your Instagram aesthetic successfully.
1. Make Clear What Your Brand Is About
What is the goal of your Instagram aesthetic?
Without tapping on a single post, your Instagram aesthetic is the best option for giving your audience a sense of who you are as a person and what is so special about your brand to make it stand out.
This step allows your Instagram aesthetic to define your brand as a crucial first step.
There are many ways through which you may have already begun this process. This way, you will be able to establish your website, logo, or bricks, and mortar location.
However, it is necessary to translate your brand over to Instagram in a way that makes it sound logical to the audience that is following you.
Having said that, we have some questions. These questions are designed to help you through the process:
What audience is perfect for you? (AKA Target Audience)
It is essential to understand the audience to which your content is trying to speak. Having said that, establishing your brand’s aesthetic becomes second nature.
For instance, a clothing store visited by influencers located in location A is going to have a different target audience than a floral shop located in location B
Do you know your Core Values?
Depending on a brand, their priorities are going to be different. Since their priorities are going to be different, they will offer a different overall look and aesthetic on Instagram.
Let’s take an example of a hiking supplies company. Such a brand is going to be thriving on nature and sustainable clothing.
Having said that, your brand is going to be reflecting such values. However, none of this needs to be in your face.
Instead, you can show up using different color choices, content subjects, or any messaging that you have through stylized text posts.
What is the vibe of your brand?
You may have heard this question a lot these days and this might even sound like a dorky question. Nevertheless, this question happens to be a very important thing to consider.
Do you like to keep your brand casual and intend to spread fun? Or do you like to keep things cool and minimal?
Or do you use a talkative tone with casual swear words in between or do you like to be formal and composed?
Asking yourself such a question will allow you to establish the Instagram aesthetic you are looking for.
2. Choose A Color That Best Represent Your Brand
If you are aiming to create a unique Instagram aesthetic, then color is probably the most important thing.
According to research conducted, consumer buying decisions are influenced by about 85% on the basis of color.
Moreover, considering color is also important as it has the potential to increase brand recognition by 80%.
With that being said, it’s safe to establish that choosing the right color decisions for your Instagram posts will actually impact the progress of establishing the aesthetic feel of your Instagram profile.
Furthermore, there happen to be many ways in which you can use the power of colors to your advantage in making your Instagram aesthetic.
However, if your business comes with a website, logo, and a presence on various social networks, you can use the colors that you have already used on your different social media accounts and websites.
As soon as you choose your colors, you will be able to use those colors for your content.
However, this adaptation should not be obvious. Make it look like a certain tone or a color family which you will stick to. As soon as you start planning out this color adaptation, you will be able to notice how cohesive your Instagram page starts to look.
Even if you are not posting content ideally from post to post, a consistent color palette comes off as naturally pleasing to the target audience and will also join your page together.
An audience is going to judge a page for about 90 seconds after they visit it for the first time.
And it’s safe to assume that they are going to be assuming your services depending on the color scheme of your page.
This is why you will want to make sure that you do a good job at choosing colors since they can assist in shaping your overall brand image and voice.
Whereas choosing the colors for your Instagram page can come off as tricky, you can follow these tips to make it easy.
You could create a Pinterest mood board
Start by saving some pins that come off as inspiring to you or match your brand to your Pinterest board.
Let’s say, if you run a bathing suit company, your mood board can include pictures themed on beaches.
The pictures can be of beaches, palm trees, picnic scenes, pool parties, or even sunsets.
Some images will come off as attractive compared to the other pictures. Having said that, you must take note of any color patterns that come up in the content that you are saving to your board.
Creating a Color palette
Most of the brands choose to have a color guide. However, if you don’t have a color guide, you must get one too!
Having a color guide makes the whole process of choosing the color easier for you.
In an ideal case, you must choose six or Lexx colors. Make sure that you can commit to the colors that you are choosing throughout your court.
You can reference this group of colors whenever you make content. Regardless of whatever the type of content is (ie. photo, video, or text-based post, your own gifs).
You will want to make sure that you are able to base your content to ensure that your Instagram aesthetic is consistent.
If you are new, you probably don’t know where to start. Luckily for you, you can use this tool named “My Insta Palette”.
This tool comes in handy in showing the most common feeds you have available on your feed.
As you see the colors common in your feed, it is possible that you start seeing a theme.
You will be able to narrow down your choices this way and choose the colors that fit the best from these selections.
As you create content, you will want to stick to your color theme.
3. Photo Editing To Match Your Aesthetic
If you have all the right components on your Instagram, but it still isn’t yielding any results for your page, you must be freaked, right?
That is where the editing comes in. If you want to make your Instagram aesthetic, then it is essential to use an editing style down pat.
You can never flip-flop between dark and moody images and light and bright content. It would look like the content was created on the same day and in the same light as well.
If you want to ensure that your Instagram remains aesthetic using editing, then the simplest way to do that is by editing your photos using presets.
Instagram presets happen to be pre-designed filters. You can use these filters with the help of editing programs such as Adobe Lightroom.
This way, you will save a lot of time as you will not sit for hours trying to remember exactly how much brightness you add to your photos.
That is where the presets come in handy. Presets do the heavy lifting and also ensure that the users don’t spend a lot of time editing a single post.
There are many Instagram presets available on the Internet which you can fetch and learn to use!
4. Be Consistent With Your Planning
As soon as you are done choosing your colors and editing style, it’s time that you planned out your Instagram feed.
Aim for making your Instagram page look thoughtful and professional.
To ensure such things, you will need to ensure that you have carefully planned out your strategy. The strategy is going to include all the colors and the editing styles.
Make sure that you are very thoughtful when you create a strategy. As you plan a strategy, you will be able to see what kind of posts look best next to each other. You will also be able to see what kinds of posts do not work.
Moreover, you will also be able to find out where you need another hit of your brand’s dominant color and you can also see where you will add a lighter hue photo to the mix.
While this process sounds time-consuming, it is possible to make it easier to manage.
Planning your Instagram feed will give you an edge in terms of saving time. As an added benefit, you will also be able to improve the overall Instagram aesthetic of your profile and can also help you to post only on the best time to reach your audience.
Luckily for you, you can use tools like Planoly to your advantage. This tool will allow you to drag and drop without actually posting any content before you have made up your mind about posting it.
As soon as you have everything planned about where to post it, you will be able to utilize applications such as Hootsuite to schedule your posts.
The applications which allow you to schedule your Instagram posts give you an additional ledge in terms of saving time!
Add all of the saved time and you will be able to utilize the saved time for something better in your business.
5. Non-Feed Content Should Also Match Your Aesthetic
Ideally, now you will have made unique aesthetic Instagram feed which you were aiming to do.
However, that is not the finish line. There is still a lot more to go!
Now that you have an Instagram aesthetic feed and a consistent one as well, mismatching components on your page can cause some real trouble!
Your audience might begin to wonder what’s wrong with your page just as you would wonder what is wrong with your favorite ice cream store!
The best place, to begin with, happens to be your Instagram stories. As soon as you have developed the aesthetic feed of your Instagram profile, you can go on to create a style guide.
This style guide can come in handy when you want to take a reference as you create content to post on your Instagram stories.
Moreover, creating a style guide also happens to0 be the perfect solution for anyone that posts on your account in the future.
Following the style guide, they will be able to carry on the look and the tone that you have maintained throughout your Instagram profile.
There are many ways to do so. However, if you are looking for the quickest and most effective methods, you can adhere to using the Instagram stories template. Moreover, they are also fairly easy and simple to use.
Moreover, using the templates for Instagram stories, you will be able to maintain consistency without making your feed boring.
It’s safe to say that you will be able to maintain your Instagram aesthetic as well!
What else can you do?
Since we are well on our way to ensure that you never lose the consistency of your Instagram aesthetic, here is a small trick that packs a lot of punch!
This trick can create a big impact on the aesthetics and feel of your Instagram page. The name of this trick would be Story Highlight covers.
When you choose your colors and icons for these covers which match or complement your brand colors.
You can add an extra visually pleasing element to your brand’s profile.
6. Use Apps To Help You
Once you get your aesthetic set, maintaining it could be a little difficult and time consuming. Hence why using some apps can be great.
There are a few apps which you can use to make your task easier. As previously mentioned, Planoly is one of the best options that you have got. Moreover, you can also use Later or UNUM.
Tools like these give you a better edge when you are trying to maintain an aesthetic Instagram feed. As they give you an insight into what your feed will look like, it becomes easier for you to make changes here and there!
These apps also help you save time as you do not have to post everything manually. You can use the app of your choice to schedule your posts in advance.
7. Be Unique
I guess this is an obvious one but you will realize quickly, once you start publishing content following your aesthetic that there are many accounts that look similar.
So, a recommendation is to always keep improving your aesthetic, check your competitors and people in your niche to make sure you are still unique and different.
This is easier said than done but if you manage to be unique, people will start following you because they appreciate your content and uniqueness.
Remember also that if you plan to make any changes to it they have to be subtle and start within your original aesthetic feel. You don’t want people to start forgetting you or confuse you with someone else because you are updating your aesthetic.
Follow all the same guidelines above to create your Instagram aesthetic to also update it.
8. Use It In Your Media Kit
And finally, remember to maintain your aesthetic across all your content online but also offline.
Your Media Kit must follow the same guidelines as your feed because that’s what you are selling, your aesthetic. This is what will make brands want to collaborate with you.
Having an attractive, informative and keeping it with the same feel as your aesthetic is not so difficult. There are services like Canva that make editing a Media Kit easier.
If you still are having problems creating a cohesive media kit and Instagram aesthetic you can also hire someone to help you. There are plenty of experienced people in platforms like Upwork or Fiverr where you can hire someone to improve your Media Kit following your guidelines.
Instagram Aesthetic Ideas
So, now you know all the ways following which you can develop your Instagram aesthetic, we also have some ideas to keep you inspired!
1. Remote Year
If you don’t know, Remote Year is a company that focuses on helping Digital Nomads traveling around the world with other like minded remote workers.
They focus on using a lot of UGC (user-generated content) and also focuses on using imagery focusing on so many different locations all around the world.
A you can imagine, since they would want to show travel pictures from all over the world, it is difficult to make a photo of Japan look similar to one taken in South Africa.
So they found it difficult when it came to tying everything together.
To solve this problem, they came up with a few simple solutions which is what makes them an inspiration.
Some of the things they do is, for example, they post “nature” pictures for a few days since it is easy to match a beach in Bali to a beach in Mexico, this makes it feel more cohesive.
Since they also want to promote their services and deals, they post pictures with their logo or using the same font all the time, this also makes it feel every posts as part of a whole.
Another trick they sometimes use is to add “graphic stamps” that are also found in their website, like frames, circles and other geometrical figures that add a nice touch to their pics and also makes it great for maintaining their Instagram aesthetic.
This page smartly tied together with the content which really had nothing in common using a graphic element that makes them look like one.
Such features are very helpful when it comes to making your content recognizable in an instant for your audience. In conclusion, your Instagram account will start to serve as a brand’s signature on the platform.
2. Blendjet
This product and brand create by the popular Instagram Influencer Jen Selter is another great example of a well thought out aesthetic.
Blendjet’s one and only product is a blender, so making it look cool sounds like a huge challenge. How fun can a blender be?
The way they manage to create a good aesthetic is to utilize the multiple colors the blenders come in. This way, every post is colorful and fun.
Their color palette follows all of their blender colors, so when they promote their products, it still matches their aesthetic.
A colorful feed is obviously fun and eye-catchy! So They definitely got it perfectly.
As the color theme is cohesive, this method is perfect and can be easily replicable, with their unique colors, by anyone.
3. The Tiny Chef Show
Now this one is a little different, since this one is kinda like a “meme” page, it is a little more difficult to develop a unique aesthetic.
The Tiny Chef Show brand decided to do was to use their unique mascot as the main element in their posts.
Yes, they share a lot of recipe content but not all content is food, that is when their “tiny chef” comes in handy for keeping their aesthetic.
Having a recognizable element on all posts makes it easier for their followers to identify their post among all the content people see on their feeds.
If you have a mascot or something similar that can is unique and can be a good element to identify your brand, don not hesitate to add it to every single post you share.
Final Words!
There are numerous brands present on Instagram and other social media platforms.
While there are many ways in which you can stand out from the other options, your Instagram aesthetic is the perfect option.
Your Instagram aesthetic can go a long way in making your brand appear unique and stand out from the other competitors.
We hope that you find the article above helpful. We have tried to be as elaborate as possible.
Hopefully, by the time you are through with this article, you will know what Instagram aesthetic means and what marks it important.
Furthermore, we have also attached the many different inspirations that will help you see how can you implement and maintain your Instagram aesthetic.